Sunday, November 12, 2006

Canada and the Kyoto protocol

This article states that Canada, even though it will probably not meet its target, will not pull out of the Kyoto Protocol.
"Under Kyoto, Canada has to cut its emissions by 6 percent by 2012 compared to 1990 levels, but it is exceeding this by about one-third and its emissions are on the up."
"Under Kyoto rules if Canada does not meet its targets by 2012 it could face sanctions such as more onerous cuts and suspension from the flexibility mechanisms, a U.N. climate body spokesman said."
I think that if there is a problem, that obviously Canada should try and fix it, or do their best to get as close to their target as possible. It is good that they do not want to pull out of the protocol, becuase that shows that they still care, but this kind of thing is difficult to achieve unless you start at the begining and are very disciplined about it.
I congratulate all the countries who have commited to the protocol, it takes a lot to reduce a country's emmisions, and so congratulations to those who will achieve their target. I am not saying that Canada isn't making an effort, or that Canada hasn't reduced their emisions, becuase I do not have the facts to back up that up, so I will give them the benefit of the doubt. I just hope that governments realize that it is action that will change things, not words and so to reduce our emissions we need to do more than just say we will and then when it gets closer to the date announce that it won't be possible to reach the target. To pull out of the protocol is whimping out, if you sign up, then you are supposed to try and commite to it, not whimp out when it gets tough. If you know that it takes a lot of work to change something, and you know that you want to, shouldn't you make that effort. Sure it means it will be difficult but its better in the long run. It says near the end that:
' "We (Canada) are saying that we won't meet our Kyoto targets without even trying and that's intolerable." '


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