Thursday, October 12, 2006

insurance companies not so sure

This article is telling you how the insurance companies in the U.S. are realizing that global warming is affecting their business. Because of the increase in hurricanes, forest fires etc. they are having a lot more problems to deal with and more clients. Yes it’s good that they have more clients, but these companies never really want to pay everything to everyone, they usually look for loopholes. In the article it says:
“Currently, he said, insurers withdraw from these high-risk areas entirely.”
This is really bad because isn’t it their job to provide people with insurance? If no one is there to help all these people, such as those who were hurt because of the Katrina hurricane, then these places will never be fixed again. It will end up being a vicious circle because these are also the places that get hit most frequently by the hurricanes as well, so then they will get more and more damaged to the point where it is WAY too big a job and it will take forever to fix.
This next quote ties into my previous blog:
“The Bush administration has been skeptical of the link between global climate change and hurricanes and wildfires, and President Bush has only recently acknowledged a relationship between human activities and global warming.”
This is really annoying, how can you just deny something that is right in front of your face?? You can only change something once you acknowledge it, and this problem has been around for a while and something needs to be done about it, and the insurance companies not helping the people who are affected by it is not good at all, that is their job and they should realize that times are changing so they need to make adjustments.


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