Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Bush in Denial

This article is talking about how the Bush administration has been keeping scientific reports about how global warming can be linked with the increase in hurricanes. There are numerous reports being issued, but no one is allowed to talk about it.
Here are some examples:
“NOAA scientist Tom Knutson was prevented from speaking to reporters in 2005 because he has published research that links global warming to hurricane intensity, a position that doesn’t mesh with the views of the administration.”

“NASA scientist and climate-change expert James Hansen was prevented by political appointees at NASA from speaking to the media after he gave a lecture about the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to slow global warming.”

Senators have sent a letter to NASA and the administration asking for a formal investigation.

I think that this is ridiculous, why wouldn’t you want to let your country know the truth about what is happening to our environment? Why would someone go to such lengths to hide the truth? Maybe they are trying to hide something. Either way, I think that the only way that we will be able to do anything about the problem of global warming is by educating the public. If this isn’t done then how can we expect the problem to be fixed? If someone prevents the people from knowing the truth, then it isn’t the people’s fault if nothing happens, it is the person’s fault for knowing the information but doing nothing with it. Knowing significant information and doing nothing with it is just as bad, if not worse than not educating yourself on the subject. This is a very important subject because it directly affects every single person on this planet, not just every person but every single thing on this earth; weather, crops, clothing, animal migrations, plant growth, water levels – which then leads to certain coast lines decreasing, and so many other things. This is why I have such a difficult time trying to understand why President Bush would want to hide this information. What is his benefit from doing this?


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