Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Steve Irwin

So, I'm sure you've all heard, Steve Irwin passed away recently. I read an article about him from the New York Times:
(there's the link). The article talks about his accopmlishments, his TV series, which I remember watching when I was young. It says; “He was knowledgeable and seemed to care passionately about wildlife,” Dr. Smith said. “He took a very outgoing approach that made people less fearful of sharks and other mean things out there.” He will definitly be missed. He starred in multiple movies and tv shows, he left behind a wife and two kids (one son and one daughter) and tons of fans world wide.
He was killed by a sting ray. He swam overtop of it, and must have frightened it because the sting ray shot a venomous barb into his chest. He died moments later by cardiac arrest. When I first heard this, it was shocking, you don't expect this type of thing to happen. First of all, deaths by sting rays are rare and secondly you never expect someone like him, or anyone "young" to die so suddenly and randomly. It is hard to understand why some people make it and others don't. Lots of times I guess it's just luck, which is difficult to accept. He was definitly entertaining to watch and listen to; he was someone who was deply passionate about his work. Crikey! We'll miss ya.


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