Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Boy buys car

Yesterday in London England, a three year old boy purchased a car on eBay. Not just any car, but a Barbie-pink Nissan Figaro for approximatly $16,000. He clicked on it while is mother's back was turned. He didn't just randomly click buy on anything, according to the article he liked cars - he went and found the page and clicked (they believe) the buy it now button. Luckily the owner of the car found it humourous and didn't hold them to the purchase.
Personally I think it is kind of bizarre that a three year old is able to by a car that quickly while his mother's back is turned. What happened to the good old days when they drew pink cars on the table? I guess I'm just old fashioned that way, I don't know, but I don't like the fact that children that young are able to work computers so easily. This means that they will only become that more dependent on computers than we already are. That and they will only know how to use computers, so so long are the days that someone will draw something by hand, nope now it will be done on the computer. Their eyes will be different, because they will be used to looking at a screen since birth. They will watch nature on the screen instead of going outside to experience it. I just think that computers are taking over and this is another prime example, yes they have their benefits, but when a three year old is already using it, that is when I find it just depressing.


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