Sunday, November 05, 2006

Climate affects the economy

This report says that there will be direct links from global warming and economic growth and that the economy will suffer due to it. It says that the developping nations will have more trouble dealing with it. For example India - there are still people who are aspiring to be rich and have cars etc so they will become "the polluters of the futur" so we need to look out for that. Also in Africa lots of their food and crops depend on the weather, they already don't have enough food as ois, and when the weather starts limiting it even more then their is a much larger problem. I think that since there are so many problems which will be caused by global warming it is good that finally it is getting recognized and people are planning on doing something about it. What bothers me, is that in part of the report it says that China is one of the worst polluted cities on earth and that since it is a developping nation still, it technically doesn't need to make cut backs on gas emissions, although I believe they will still try and reduce them a bit, and it says that they will start making 10% of their industries etc run on renewable resources, so that is comforting. It is good that people are starting to realize that not only our weather is going to be changed. Unfortunatly it takes something closer to home, such as your money being affected etc to make people think, hmm I should start trying to change something. It shows that people really do act at a pretty selfish level, but hey if this is what it takes to get people to do something, then I am not against it.


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